
Carbon dioxide emissions are the burning of fossil fuels this includes the product of carbon dioxide consumption of solid, liquid and gas fuels/gas flaring. Co2 are also the primary product of energy use, accounts of largest share of greenhouse gases.-gases in earth’s atmosphere trapping heat- which is the most on sight driver of global climate change.

carbon dioxide emission world wide 1940-2023

(in billion metric tones)

How can we take action

Switch off!

Turn off the lights when going out, leaving the room or the natural light is sufficient 

Power down!

Power your computer down when you are not using or at night, a computer uses 65% less energy when turned off.

Unplug your electronics!

Don’t forget to unplug your phone computer or wifi at night or the battery is sufficient for the day to use.

Laundry day!

Pick a laundry day or laundry days. Do LOTS of laundry at once to go to reduce the energy use of the machine.

Short Showers!

Try not to go over 30 minutes in the shower with the water running, additionally try to take less baths and more short showers. 

Public transport 

If not needed, try to walk to the places you want to go it's both good for environment and your health! Take the bus/metro/tram for short distances or try cycling.


First start with separating the food waste into a different bin, separate paper and glass. Learn the local places you can dump for recycling. If its too much for you try to put the small rubbish into the plastic bottles then trash them to your bin.

Your emails!

Did you know your emails or your data plays a huge role in being sustainable? Delete your unwanted emails for reducing the strain on data centres and lowering the associating carbon emissions.

Your next light bulb!

Select the next light bulb for your lamb to be an energy efficient product by checking the label to have the letter “A” on it.


Don't make large purchases on clothes, especially fast fashion companies. Try to thrift your next t-shirt or get it secondhand, if it's not convenient for you try to purchase clothes from small businesses and green businesses.

10 Small Ways

How can we take action

5 big steps


Consider changing your car to a hybrid or an electric vehicle. Driving a more green vehicle and doing your electric car charge at home can help to eliminate greenhouse gas release to the atmosphere. 

Avoid flying 

Avoid flying regularly if possible, it is an effective way to reduce greenhouse gas. To give more perspective a single round trip across the U.S producesses around 2 tons of carbon dioxide per person equaling the 10 percent of a U.S citizen's annual carbon footprint.

More vegetarian diet 

Change your diet to more fruits rather than meat. Producing meat and shipping them to your local supermarket is making a sizable amount of  carbon footprint when plants are easier to ship with less carbon footprint 

Energy audit 

You may be wasting energy you do not notice. Hire a professional team to do an energy audit to make your house more energy efficient.

Learn more

Listen for more information about carbon emissions and going green.

If its that easy , why don't we all go green?

Why can't I go green

Carbon Dioxide In Atmosphere

Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide